create the


Performance Marketing & Sales for Web3







Our first product


An affiliate network

Affiliates get paid when they refer users that bring REVENUE to Web3 projects

For Advertisers

(The Web3 Projects)

Increase revenue from Web3 users, but also new users not already in Web3

For Affiliates

Get paid for promoting your passion and bringing revenue to Web3 projects

DLOYAL Refer Revenue Loop

Users brought by DLOYAL become affiliates to bring you even more revenue

Users brought by DLOYAL become affiliates to bring you even more revenue

How it works?

1. Offer Setup

Offer contains how much the affiliates will be paid and other necessary details

Offer is set up by the Web3 project (Self-Service) or DLOYAL (Tailored Service)

  • Tailored service if the project doesn't have time or marketing knowledge

2. Share Link/QR code

Affiliates promote the offer by sharing their affiliate link or QR Code

Can be shared online or in-person

DLOYAL tracks the revenue the affiliate brought via their affiliate link/QR Code

3. Payment

Affiliates get paid based on the revenue they brought

Payment is based on the offer's commission rate

Affiliates are paid weekly to their Kujira Address

Get early access for more info

DLOYAL Refer vs others

For Advertisers

  • white-logo

    We’re focused on revenue

  • white-logo

    Promotion without the spam

  • white-logo

    More time for building

  • white-logo

    A solution for your marketing team to leverage

For Affiliates

  • white-logo

    Get paid to promote Web3

  • white-logo

    Weekly payouts

  • white-logo

    We’re more inclusive

  • white-logo

    Opportunities in many languages and locations

For Advertisers

Increase revenue from Web3 users, but also new users not already in Web3

Revenue Focused - Your goal is to grow your revenue. It’s our goal too, because we only get paid when we bring you revenue


Promotion without the spam - Our various affiliate types are a solution for scalable promotion without spamming


More time for building - We help you earn revenue so that you can focus on building, scaling operations, and more


Tool for your marketing team - Marketing teams of small & large organizations use performance marketing solutions like DLOYAL to exceed revenue goals

For Affiliates

Get paid for promoting your passion and bringing revenue to Web3 projects

Get paid to promote Web3 - get paid to take action for Web3 and bring more revenue to your ecosystem while earning


Weekly payouts - You’ll be paid weekly, this is unlike many other affiliate networks that pay every two two weeks or up to a month


We’re more inclusive - Many networks block potential affiliates to prevent spam; we have various affiliate types to be more inclusive while discouraging spam


Global Offers - Global offers available for international markets and their various languages, promote to a largely untapped audience


  • Earn more revenue
  • Promotion w/o the spam
  • Reach your KPI goals


  • Promote Web3 & earn
  • Get paid weekly
  • Take action for Web3

Join Us